
Robert A. La Haie RLA

Bob La Haie, the firm’s co-founder, opened the doors to the company in 1973. The goal then as it is now is to provide quality landscape design and installation services to all of our clients. Bob believes one of the firm’s greatest assets is its employees and many have been with the company for over ten years. In 1999, Bob became the sole owner and President of the company when his business partner, Larry Pugsley, retired. Bob is still very much involved in day-to-day activities – both in the design department and in our construction division – but in good weather you will also find him out on the golf course practicing his long shot.

Bob is a Badger fan through and through hailing the University of Wisconsin at Madison as his alma mater with a degree in Landscape Architecture & Civil Engineering. He is a Registered Landscape Architect in the State of Illinois.

Frank Moskul
Construction Superintendent

Having been with the company for over thirty-three years, Frank definitely knows his way around our industry. Frank manages the scheduling of labor crews for work to be installed, he purchases plant material and hard-goods for the company, and he prepares proposals for installation work. He also manages all of our construction crews, assuring that plans are accurately and properly installed and that the client is completely satisfied. Frank is well-versed in both softscape and hardscape installation. He has a hands-on approach with our crews and is not afraid to get his hands dirty, in order to teach someone how to accomplish the desired end result. On any given day during the growing season, one will find Frank traversing from one project to another, guarantying that all are progressing smoothly and in a timely manner.

Kevin Parks
Construction Manager

Kevin devotes most of his time during the growing season to managing the installation of parkway trees for the Suburban Tree Consortium. The mission of the Consortium is “to maintain and improve the urban forest within the Chicago metropolitan region, thereby enhancing the quality of life for the region’s residents, by fostering cooperation and communication at the municipal level; supporting cost-effective means of acquiring and installing trees; and offering technical assistance and information regarding municipal forestry.” The Consortium is a collaboration of efforts between thirty-six municipalities to green their streets and communities through the installation of thousands of parkway trees each year.

When Kevin is finished managing the parkway tree planting initiative for the season, he also supervises our construction crews, assuring that plans are accurately and properly installed and that the client is completely satisfied.

Kevin has been with the company for over nineteen years.

Dee Rosendahl
Office Manager

Dee has been with the company for over ten years and it’s her friendly voice you will hear answering our calls. She handles daily office tasks, accounts payable and receivable, certificates of insurance, and general inquiries about the company & the services we provide.

©2018 Pugsley & La Haie, LTD.